Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay On Breaking Through The Great Firewall - 1304 Words

Breaking Through the Great Firewall of China Within the United States, the first amendment, freedom of speech includes the cyber-web. However, the government may try to examine personal information to protect its citizens from planned terroristic activities. Even so, these terrorists are allowed to say whatever they want, but it does not mean it will be ignored and not taken as a literal threat by the government. Throughout other parts the world, however, countries rely on communicating through means of the internet as ways to spread propaganda. In countries like China specifically, their government censors its citizens to prevent the spreading of propaganda or other radicalism. However, due to the fact that China’s strategy is so†¦show more content†¦This proves that China, at all costs, censors its citizens from accessing history the government deems potentially causing further protest. Now, many Chinese citizens are attempting to access these applications and searches without censorship by â€Å"connect[ing] to virtual private networks that provide them with communications channels to servers outside the Chinese mainland† (Bradsher 4). Though, many citizens have found loopholes in order to post their messages to these websites. For example, on Weibo (the Chinese version of twitter), if a user were to post using a specific keyword, the post would automatically be deleted, if not manually by a superior on the site if it slipped through the system. However, because the use of â€Å"abbreviations, neologisms, homophones, and homographs† by users, many political satirists, revolutionists, or regular citizens find themselves sliding through the cracks thus escaping the censoring governments reach (Wang and Mark 5). In addition, because the government also changes from time to time, a man named Yu Jia, a government critic stated that â€Å"Todays China is v ery different from Chairman Maos China. I think then, it used to be like an iron slab, and there was only really one idea. It was completely impermeable. But now, its more like a fishnet, and there are holes† (Jia, Han and Fu 4). This further proves the argument that legislation in regard to behavior online is too varied inShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Barclays Bank And Its Effect On User Usage And Efficiency2417 Words   |  10 Pageslot of resources in security in information technology. Introduction This essay will look at research into areas of technology. It will look at security in Barclays bank. Barclays bank operates worldwide and has employed latest information technology security measures. This is to enable it cope with changing dynamics in security. Most banks employ dual factor authentication in order to deal with customers’ accounts. 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