Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Technology and Impact on Educational Leadership †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discus about the Technology and Impact on Educational Leadership. Answer: Introduction The learning organizations is a recent phenomenon wherein the business organizations are constantly thriving to acquire knowledge. In the contemporary times, it is important to learn new skills and technology in order to retain the competitive advantage of the business organizations. In the present, the intensity of the competition among the business organizations is very intense and the knowledge is the only medium to retain the competitive advantage of the organizations. Today, the focus is on digitalization and information which makes it mandatory for the business organizations to constantly learn, deal with changes and adapt themselves with changes and challenges. It is important for the business organizations to institutionalize learning or become learning. The learning organizations can be defined as the business organizations which constantly thrive for new information and quickly adopts themselves according to the new information gathered. The learning organizations are power ful organizations and whose foundation is based on learning and improving performance in the long run. However, an organization cannot become a learning organization by articulating a clear vision, giving proper incentives and providing lots of training. However, it is a flawed perception in the face of intensifying competition, advances in technology and shifts in the customer preferences. The learning organizations are one in which the organizations create, acquire and transfer knowledge. The employees must be capable of maintaining tolerance, opening new discussion and thinking holistically and systematically. The learning organizations must be capable of adapting itself to changes more than their competitors (Garvin, Edmondson Gino, 2008). The learning organizations term coined by Peter Senge describes an organization which has an ideal learning environment and which aligns with the organizations goals. In such organizations, the workers or the employers continually expand their capacity to attain organizations results. In such organizations, new and different patterns of thinking are nurtured and people are collectively set to learn more. According to Senge, there are five dimensions of the learning organizations, namely, system thinking, personal mastery, mental models, building shared vision and team learning. In the system thinking, the organization is treated as a complex system in which there are several small systems. It is important to understand the complexity of these systems and focus on the long-term goals and progress the system in a manner that it can achieve its goals. The personal mastery is another dimension of the learning organizations and states that it is the process in which an organization strive s to achieve its objectives and focus on the learning process (Renesch Chawla, 2006). The mental models refers to the assumptions and the generalizations which must be recognized and used in the identification of the actions to resolve the issues. The mental assumptions are essential in taking appropriate actions. Other than that, it is important for the business organizations to build shared vision within the organization. Shared vision is important to enhance the motivation of the employees. The leader must be able to share his vision with the followers and the employees who work under him and he must be capable of inspiring others with the help of that vision. A leader can motivate others with the help of dialogue, commitment and enthusiasm. Another important aspect of the learning organization is that it must encompass the team learning. It is the state in which the team members collaborate together to achieve the common goals. It is important to understand that creating learning organizations is not the current trend; however, they are very useful in creating work environment which are imbibed with creative thoughts and are focused on obtaining the solutions to work-related problems. It is the process to collect and synthesize the information which may give the ability to think critically to communicate different concepts and cooperate with other people in case of workplace inquiry and action. It creates an open environment within the organization and the employees are not active but passive entities of the organization as they become capable of sharing their ideas and contribute to the growth and development of the work environment (Ortenblad, 2013). It shuns the traditional notion that the senior management will do all the thinking process and encourage the employees to participate in the organization development. The learning organizations challenge all the employees to use their internal resources and potential to create a strong learning culture. Features of Learning Organizations Today, business organizations operate in a highly dynamic environment wherein there is constant innovation in information technology and the business techniques. The current market and the business environments are global in nature and the customers are located at different locations all across the globe. However, these customers are not same and have differences due to the countrys culture, attitude and beliefs. In order to sustain in the current market and maintain a competitive position, it is important for the business organizations to learn new technologies and adopt to the market changes. It is also important to change the conventional wisdom and constantly grow the knowledge base of the organization. It is also important to make significant changes in the business operations of the organizations. There are several characteristics of the learning organizations which distinguishes it from the other organizations. The foremost characteristic of the learning organization is the fo cus on organizational learning. The organizational learning is more about individual learning process and develops through the interactions of different groups or teams of different sizes. It is an emergent process and the outcomes are not specific and it is dependent upon the contribution of different individuals. The organization learning focuses on the development of the right environment so that an individual can reflect on the past actions and the outcomes and use them in the strategic development of the organization (Lytras et al., 2010). In the organization learning process, the employees are encouraged to be innovative and take risky decisions. Other than that, there is high level of employee engagement in the organization with visible business partners and learning facilitators. The performance based learning capabilities aligns with the mission and the vision of the organization. The learning organizations also increases the efficiency of the organization. It creates an easy access for the employee-centered and flexible learning structure. The organization also make provision for time monitoring, use and the cost indicators so that the training and development cost can be regulated. Numerous resources are used to automatic performance solution of the business organizations. Numerous qualitative and quantitative strategies are used to examine the impact of the learning strategies on the overall growth of the organization (Antal, Meusburger Suarsana, 2013). The services should be aligned with the talent development and capability development of the business organizations. Another feature of the learning organizations is th e investment in different domains. A significant amount of budget is invested in the human resources, learning and the talent development of the organization. The budget should encompass the requirements for collection, analysis and the display of the data. There should be significant investment in education, developing the learning process and increasing the capabilities of the staff members and the business partners. Another feature of the learning organization is the utility. The learning should be facilitated every time and whenever required. The learning and the employee performance should be thoroughly scrutinized by the managers and the leaders. It is important that different outcomes (including both positive and negative) of training and development are examined (Nobre, 2011). It should focus on the learning, talent development and improve the performance of the business organizations. Role of Leadership in Learning Organization The learning organization is based on the fundamental that in order for the business organizations to remain successful and thrive, quick learning is important. In the pursuit to become, the learning organizations, the companies often indulge in futile attempts for the organization change process. However, the learning process cannot be sustained without understanding the drive to the organization learning process. There are several subsystems which supports the organization learning such as employees, knowledge and technology. In the learning organizations, the leadership is acknowledge the importance of learning and are committed towards making provision for training and development to facilitate learning. The leadership should understand the motive, means and the opportunity of the learning process. Before developing the training and development program, the companies should establish a motive, purpose and reason for the learning. Other than that, the organization should focus on designing methods, models and competencies which can assist the learning process of the organization. There should always be opportunity for the learning process. The leaders should also take a supporting role in the learning culture of the organization (Zuber-Skerritt, 2017). It is important that the leader identify the common obstacles to the learning process and align them with the strategy so that learning can be imparted easily with minimal level of hierarchy. The communication system should also be designed in such a manner so that there is lateral transfer of the information within the organization. The leaders should also make provision for the resource allocation and learning in terms of time, space, supporting staff and budgets. These are the supporting materials for the knowledge management infrastructure. The leader also assure that there are different value networks which supports the learning and development. It is also important that business organization stimulates creativity and increase the insight in the learning organizations (Marquardt, 2011). It is also important to implement planned learning process in which there is development of strategy, structure, system and procedure for the learning process. The planning of the learning process should be dependent upon gathering data and information from monitoring, review and other forms of evaluation. The learning process The ability of the leaders to effectively communicate is important in establishing learning procedure within the organization. It is important to clearly identify the purpose of the communication for implementing the training program. The leaders should also focus on long-term goals of the business organizations. There should be able to invest time and take practical decisions regarding the leaders of the business organizations. The most significant challenge for the business leaders is the cost and the competition associated with the implementation of the training and development within the organization. However, it is important to understand, that the return will not be immediate; but will be achieved over the time (Baldomir, 2009). The Role of Learning Organizations in enhancing the Transfer of Training In the present times, training has become the essential tool for the organizations to identify the demand, developing the core competency and enhancing the skills of the employees in increasing the productivity of the organization. There is a strong positive impact of the training on the organizations achievement of goals; however, the training process is costly for the organizations. Therefore, it is important to identify the relation between the design and the evaluation of training programs and effectiveness of the training process (Wang, 2012). The training and development are important in a business organization which aims to progress and attain competitive advantage. The training and development focuses on thinking creatively and managing people in a strategic manner. It is also essential in learning organization to eradicate the weaknesses of the employees, improving the performance of the employees, increasing the consistency in the performance of the employees, ensuring that the workers are satisfied with the growth of the employees and there is opportunity for them to grow with the organization. The training also enhances the quality of services or the product quality provided to the customers, reduces the overall operations cost and reduces the requirement of the supervision (Prescott, 2016). In learning organizations, there are several objectives to implement training and development such as it optimizes the human resources, increases the productivity of organization, and creates a better corporate image, increase the team spirit and collaboration between different team members. There are several phases in the implementation of training and development program in the business organizations. Firstly, it is important to identify the training and development needs in a business organization. It should be discussed with all the staff members of the organization. It is important to provide regular and periodic training to the employees for their comprehensive development. It is also important to establish internal training and development sessions for the staff members. It is important that the training is available for all the campus and sites of the organizations and for different occupational groups. It is also important to monitor ongoing program of courses for staff members and other employees so that the training needs can be identified in a proper manner (Fawzy, 2013). The organization should sponsor external training and development programs so that the employees can learn new skills. The investment in training and development is necessary as the training is crucial in the enhancing the performance of the business organizations. The high performing organizations use training to increase the competitive advantage of the organization. The training is essential in growing the value and the potential of employees. There should be clear link between the design of the training program and the performance of the companies. The quality and the level of the employee training also influence the brand image of the business organization. The career progression and the development is an attractive option for attracting the employees. There are several objectives of the training and development program which leads to organization development. It enhances productivity, effectiveness and increase the efficiency of the organization. Conclusion It can be concluded that in the present times, it is important to develop business organizations which strive to learn. Today, knowledge is the major asset in the business world; therefore, it is important that the business organizations develop as learning organizations. There are several characteristics of the learning organizations such as it constantly thrive for knowledge and the employees are given an open environment to constantly innovate. The leaders play a crucial role in the development of the learning organizations. They should be able to motivate and encourage employees to learn in the organization. Other than that, the training and development is also essential in the overall development of the learning organizations. References Antal, A.B., Meusburger, P., Suarsana, L. (2013). Learning Organizations: Extending the Field. Springer Science Business Media. Baldomir, J. (2009). Leading in the Learning Organization. Leadership Advance Online, issue 17 retrieved 18 November, 2017, https://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/lao/issue_17/LAO_IssXVII_Baldomir.pdf Fawzy, S. (2013). Learning Models for Innovation in Organizations: Examining Roles of Knowledge Transfer and Human Resources Management: Examining Roles of Knowledge Transfer and Human Resources Management. IGI Global. Garvin, D.A., Edmondson, A.C., Gino, F. (2008). Is Yours a Learning Organization? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 18 November 20178 from https://hbr.org/2008/03/is-yours-a-learning-organization Lytras, D.M. et al. (2010). Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research: Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2010, Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010, Proceedings, Part 1. 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